Terms and conditions

Here you can consult the General Terms and Conditions of use of the website www.walls.pt, we suggest that you carefully read the following general terms and conditions of use before using this website.

The use of this website is governed by these terms, which are binding between the user and the entity Telmo Cristiano Meireles Cunha (Individual Entrepreneur) which is the entity that owns and owns the website www.walls.pt, as well as its domain.

The same entity is equally recognized as the owner and holder of the Walls brand. From now on, the holder and owner of the website www.walls.pt and the Walls brand will be formally designated as Walls.

​1. Object

​These General Conditions govern all use of the website made by the user(s), including simple access to the page and its contents and services displayed and available on the same. In any case, Walls reserves the right to modify, eliminate or suspend temporarily, or permanently and at any time, without prior notice, the presentation and configuration of the website www.walls.pt, as well as these general conditions. . These modifications will always aim to improve the website, while improving the services offered to the website user(s).

2. Ownership and Access

​All the content of this website (texts, images, brands and logos) are the intellectual property of Telmo Cristiano Meireles Cunha (Individual Entrepreneur), who owns and owns the website www.walls. pt and the Walls brand, copying, reproducing, modifying or disseminating the content of this website is prohibited without written permission from the entity that represents Walls. The owner entity allows free access, free of charge, to this website, in order to provide information about the company, products and services available to our customers and/or potential customers.

3. Copyright, Industrial and Intellectual Property

​All texts, comments, works, illustrations, works and images reproduced or represented on the website www.walls.pt are strictly reserved under the terms of copyright as well as the intellectual property rights worldwide. Accordingly and under the terms of the Intellectual Property Code, use for private purposes is only authorized subject to contrary provisions, including more restrictive provisions contained in said code. Any total or partial reproduction or representation of the website www.walls.pt or of all or part of the elements included therein is strictly prohibited. The corporate names, brands and distinctive signs reproduced on the website www.walls.pt are protected under the legal provisions applicable to industrial property. Reproduction or representation of all or part of any distinctive signs is strictly prohibited and must be subject to prior written authorization from the owner and owner of the trademark and/or website.

4. Information about Products and Services

​Walls makes an effort to ensure that the texts and photographs of the products and services presented on its website are as close to reality as possible, as are the essential characteristics used to describe them.

Any incorrect information about the product or service on the website with regard to descriptions, details and prices detected by the user(s) and which gives rise to observations and/or complaints motivated by images, text , or subsequent results obtained other than those expected from the purchase of the product or service, Walls reserves the right to refuse and reject any request for possible monetary compensation and/or replacement of services and/or any other type of compensation to the(s) user(s) However, we inform you that we accept the observations and/or complaints of the user(s) and that we undertake promptly to make the necessary updates of the claimed contents, or that were the object of the observation, as soon as they are technically feasible and /or eligible for its amendment or correction.

5. User Warranties

​The user acknowledges and declares that:

​a) has read and understood these Terms and Conditions;

​b) will refrain from reproducing, duplicating , copy, sell, resell or by any means commercially exploit the Website or its contents, or part thereof, as well as refrain from using or reproducing the brands or any intellectual or industrial property rights of Walls or third parties;​c) will not publish or use false, injurious or defamatory information;

​d) will refrain from using, directly or indirectly, the services or the Website for purposes contrary to the law or contrary to the provisions contained in these Terms and Conditions;

​e) will not propagate viruses, spyware, adware, rootkit, backdoor or Trojan viruses or other similar computer threats;

​f) will not use software or other automatic or manual mechanisms to copy or access control of the Website or its content.

6. Links to Other Websites

The eventual availability by Walls on the Website of links (“Links”) to third-party websites or to content provided by third parties (“Other Websites”) is included solely for informational purposes and for user convenience. Walls does not control the Other Websites and, therefore, is not responsible for such Other Websites or their contents or products (including, without limitation, the reference to social networks) and is not responsible for any damages or losses that may result from the use of Other Websites by the user, as well as the processing of personal data during internet browsing operations. Access to any Other Websites, through a link on the Walls websites, will be carried out at the sole responsibility and risk of the user. The user should therefore pay particular attention when connecting to Other Websites through links on the Walls Website and carefully read the respective terms and conditions and privacy policies.

7. Law and jurisdiction

​This website was created and operates in accordance with Portuguese laws. Use of this website is subject to acceptance of these rules and other terms and conditions that may be adopted. Any dispute that is involved in the scope of this site will be regulated by the legislation in force, being competent, only, the districts of the Portuguese courts. Therefore, these Terms and Conditions are governed and interpreted in accordance with Portuguese Law. The Judicial Court of Paços de Ferreira is competent to expressly exclude any other to settle any conflicts that result from the interpretation and application of these Terms and Conditions.